ADHD Aotearoa

About Us

Welcome to ADHD Aotearoa, a space dedicated to understanding and supporting individuals
with ADHD and other mental health conditions. Unlike charitable organizations, we operate
as a business committed to providing high-quality, reliable services and resources to those in

Our Story

In 1974, our founder was diagnosed with severe ADHD, marking the beginning of a lifelong
journey through this condition. Back then, ADHD was a little-understood disorder, often
leading to misdiagnoses and ineffective treatments. Our founder’s childhood was marked by
time spent in and out of mental institutions, grappling with ADHD challenges without the
comprehensive support and understanding available today.

My own personal history with ADHD and Bipolar Disorder extends to my children and
grandchildren. These experiences across generations have fuelled our commitment to raising
awareness, providing support, and advocating for better mental health care.

Our Mission

Our mission at ADHD Aotearoa is to bridge the gap between past misunderstandings and
present ADHD knowledge. We aim to create a community where individuals and families
affected by ADHD and related conditions can find the resources, support, and understanding
they need.

The Knowledge Gap

For decades, schools and community organizations have struggled with a lack of knowledge
and understanding regarding ADHD and mental health issues. This gap in awareness and
expertise has often led to inadequate support for children and adults with ADHD, affecting
their educational and social development. ADHD Aotearoa is dedicated to closing this gap by
providing accessible, accurate information and fostering a more informed community.

Insights From Experience

Having been medicated for many years, our founder brings an in-depth and personal
perspective on ADHD medication effects. This experience allows us to offer valuable insights
into the benefits and challenges of medication as part of ADHD treatment. Understanding the
impacts of long-term medication use is crucial for making informed decisions about
managing ADHD effectively.

What We Offer

  • Educational Support: Comprehensive information about ADHD and Bipolar
    Disorder, including the latest research, treatment options, and management strategies. 
  • Community Support: A platform for sharing experiences, advice, and
    encouragement among those affected by ADHD and related mental health and illness
  • Advocacy: Efforts to promote better understanding and treatment of ADHD and
    mental health conditions in the medical, educational, and public spheres.

Our Vision

We envision a world where ADHD and mental health conditions are understood, accepted,
and effectively managed. By sharing our story and providing valuable resources, we hope to
empower individuals and families to navigate their mental health and illness journeys with
confidence and support.

Thank you for visiting ADHD Aotearoa. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of
those affected by ADHD and other mental health and illness conditions.



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